Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Diary of a wimpy kid

In this book, Greg is the main character. He would first like to inform you that this is a JOURNAL not a diary. He talks about his life both in middle school, and at home. At home he has 4 siblings, Mom, Dad, Rodrick, and his little brother, Manny. Mom is always trying to lose weight but she never ends up doing it, instead she sits on the couch and eats potato chips. Dad get's up at 6:00 in the morning on weekends and let's just say that in Greg's opinion he isn't very considerate of people who are trying to enjoy their weekends like a normal person. Rodrick is his annoying older brother who has his own heavy metal band and likes to trick Greg. Manny is the annoying little brother who tells on everything Greg does.

Find out what happens in Diary of a Wimpy Kid...

This book earned...5 bookworms