Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing

by Judy Blume
This book is about a boy and his little brother. Peter is in fourth grade and Fudge (Farley) is his pesky little brother. Peter thinks that Fudge is the most annoying little brother in the world! He is always copying him and he is goofy and weird. He only mostly likes him when he is asleep. One day in the park Sheila Tubman asked Mrs. Hatcher if she could watch Fudge. She started to hesitate but finally said yes. So she started to watch Fudge and of course Peter had to help. So after they start to watch Fudge Peters best friend Jimmy Fargo came along. They start to get in a fight when they hear a scream. They turn around and see Fudge lying on the ground crying. So they rush over and find out that Fudge was trying to be a bird. When he fell he lost his two front teeth and he swallowed them. How much trouble is Peter going to get into? Find out in Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.

This book earned: 5 book worms

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