Saturday, December 13, 2008

Hart Evans is one of the most popular boys in school. Although he doesn't have anything special about him, except for his name, Hartford, Hart for short. Even with a different name, everyone still thought he was cool. He could get away with almost anything. For example; there was one time he got caught swinging on the rope in gym class and had to stay after class and run laps . When he got there the teacher said he could go but he couldn't let it happen again. So one day he thought it would be funny to shoot a rubber band at Mr. Meinert's head during band class. It hit Mr. Meinert's back. Mr. Meinert sent Hart straight to the principal's office. Hart got detention Tuesday and Friday after school. The kids had to the run the band program by themselves. Find out how Hart leads the band...

This book earned: 5 book worms!

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